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Developer App Service

The Developer App Service exposes methods to create, update, delete, get, list developer apps, also some other operations related to developer apps.


use \Lordjoo\Apigee\Facades\Apigee;
$developerAppService = Apigee::edge()->developerApp($developerEmail);
use \Lordjoo\Apigee\Facades\Apigee;
$developerAppService = Apigee::edge()->developerApp($developerEmail);

As you can see, the developerApp() method accepts one parameter $developerEmail which is the email of the developer you want to work with.

List all developer apps

Using the get() method, you can get a collection of all developer apps of the developer.

$developerApps = $developerAppService->get();
$developerApps = $developerAppService->get();

$developerApps is a Laravel Collection of DeveloperApp objects.

Get a developer app by name

Using the find() method, you can get a developer app by name.

$developerApp = $developerAppService->find($appName);
$developerApp = $developerAppService->find($appName);

$developerApp is an instance of DeveloperApp object.

Create a developer app

Using the create() method, you can create a developer app, the create() method accepts one parameter $data where $data is an array of the developer app properties DeveloperAppRequest

$developerApp = $developerAppService->create($data);
$developerApp = $developerAppService->create($data);

Update a developer app

Using the update() method, you can update a developer app, the update() method accepts two parameters $appName and $data where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to update and $data is an array of the developer app properties DeveloperAppRequest

$developerApp = $developerAppService->update($appName, $data);
$developerApp = $developerAppService->update($appName, $data);


The create and update method will do a validation check on the data you passed, so if you passed an invalid data, the method will throw a validation exception.

Delete a developer app

Using the delete() method, you can delete a developer app by it's name.


Update a developer app's status

Using the updateStatus() method, you can change a developer app's status by it's name. the updateStatus() method accepts two parameters $appName and $status where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to change the status of and $status is the new status of the developer app, either approved or revoked

$developerAppService->updateStatus($appName, $status);
$developerAppService->updateStatus($appName, $status);

Create a developer app credential

Using the createCredential() method, you can create a developer app credential, the createCredential() method accepts two parameters $appName and $data where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to create a credential for and $data is an array of the credential properties DeveloperAppCredentialRequest

$developerAppService->createCredential($appName, $data);
$developerAppService->createCredential($appName, $data);

Get a developer app credential

Using the getCredential() method, you can get a developer app credential by it's name. the getCredential() method accepts two parameters $appName and $consumerKey where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to get the credential of and $consumerKey is the consumer key of the credential you want to get

$developerAppService->getCredential($appName, $consumerKey);
$developerAppService->getCredential($appName, $consumerKey);

$developerApp is an instance of AppKey object.

Delete a developer app credential

Using the deleteCredential() method, you can delete a developer app credential by it's name. the deleteCredential() method accepts two parameters $appName and $consumerKey where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to delete the credential of and $consumerKey is the consumer key of the credential you want to delete

$developerAppService->deleteCredential($appName, $consumerKey);
$developerAppService->deleteCredential($appName, $consumerKey);

Add an API Product to a credential

Using the addProductToCredential() method, you can add an API Product to a developer app credential. the addProductToCredential() method accepts three parameters $appName, $consumerKey and $apiProductName where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to add the product to and $consumerKey is the consumer key of the credential you want to add the product to and $apiProductName is the name of the API Product you want to add to the credential

$developerAppService->addProductToCredential($appName, $consumerKey, $apiProductName);
$developerAppService->addProductToCredential($appName, $consumerKey, $apiProductName);

Remove an API Product from a credential

Using the removeProductFromCredential() method, you can remove an API Product from a developer app credential. the removeProductFromCredential() method accepts three parameters $appName, $consumerKey and $apiProductName where $appName is the name of the developer app you want to remove the product from and $consumerKey is the consumer key of the credential you want to remove the product from and $apiProductName is the name of the API Product you want to remove from the credential

$developerAppService->removeProductFromCredential($appName, $consumerKey, $apiProductName);
$developerAppService->removeProductFromCredential($appName, $consumerKey, $apiProductName);




namestringThe name of the app.
statusstringThe status of the app.
appFamilystringThe app family.
scopesarrayThe scopes associated with the app.
callbackUrlstringThe callback URL.
createdBystringThe user who created the app.
createdAtCarbonThe date and time the app was created.
lastModifiedBystringThe user who last modified the app.
lastModifiedAtCarbonThe date and time the app was last modified.
developerIdstringThe developer ID.
attributesAttribute[]Attributes of the API Product
credentialsAppKey[]Credentials of the app.



consumerKeystringThe consumer key.
consumerSecretstringThe consumer secret.
expiresAtCarbonThe date and time the credential expires.
issuedAtCarbonThe date and time the credential was issued.
scopesarrayThe scopes associated with the credential.
apiProductsarrayThe API products associated with the credential.
statusstringThe status of the credential.
appNamestringThe name of the app.
companyNamestring (nullable)The name of the company.
developerIdstring (nullable)The developer ID.



Approve the developer app.



Revoke the developer app.


Released under the MIT License.